Wednesday, December 16, 2020

I feel lost without you!

I feel lost without you!
There is plenty of joy, plenty of mirth around  But I feel lost without you

There is a spark in every light, melody in every sound, But I feel lost without you

So what if I had my worst days with you
My best were also with you

So what if I got a lot of pain, 
I also had the most fun with you

So what if there are dark memories
The memories that filled me with life were also with you

Storms and quakes didn't matter as there is a strong foundation
No one can build a home on it but you

There are four beautiful seasons 
But there are no colors without you
No matter who I am with and where I am
I feel lost without you

To find you more, I lost myself more
To make things right, I wronged myself more

When we first came together, you loved me for who I was and I loved you for who you were

All we needed was that I be me and you be you
God gave me a heaven but I didn't know where to go...'Coz I feel lost without you!

-Jaya Sonkar MD MPH

©All rights reserved. Jaya Sonkar 2020

Saturday, December 12, 2020

You can do it, If you think you can!

Live the life you want
Love your dreams, make them count

Life is limited but the possibilities are limitless
Age is defined but the growth is undefined

Let your fears be your strength
Let your failures lead you to success

Let your mind be your mentor
Let your karma be your mantra

Let no one tell you, you can't do it
There is nothing that you think you can do and you can't

Let your conscience keep you clean
Let your heart be the best judge

Let the vastness make you an explorer
Let the confinement make you a thinker

Let the power fill you with energy
Let the weakness make you humble

Let the loss help you find the worth
Let the gain help you relish 

Let the people surround you
Let the loneliness keep you real

Because in the journey of life, my friend
You are on your own, as is everyone else

And it is you and truly you
Who can decide what you can do, where you can go

Follow your heart, and live your dream
Work on it and make it happen!

You can do it, if you think you can do it!

Jaya Sonkar MD MPH

©All rights reserved. Jaya Sonkar 2020

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Live life to the fullest!

Shine like a sun
Soar like a gull
Move like the wind
Bloom like a flower

Live like the last day
Enjoy like the first time
Refresh like a morning
And rest like the night

Destress like in wild
Work like a holic
Play like a child
Have fun and frolic

We learn new ways
We grow each day
Life shortens each day
By a day each day

It's worth to forgive
It's worth to forget
The somber and the sad
The harsh that we met

It's worth to remember
It's worth to cherish
Pleasant memories and 
Sweetness to relish

A lot of time gone
Still have some to live
You give and you take
And you take and you give

Be happy and keep happy
Live and let live
Give life your best
Get best from the life

Bloom like a flower
Move like the wind
Soar like a gull
And shine like a sun

Jaya Sonkar MD MPH

©All rights reserved. Jaya Sonkar 2020

Saturday, October 24, 2020

The Art of Rheumatology!

The Art of Rheumatology!

Chronic diseases are chronic. As the name suggests, they take time to develop and last almost forever. That being said, treating those conditions is a chronic process too. It takes time to find the right treatment and then it takes time for the right treatment to work.

It needs a team effort. And the main player of the team is the patient. Doctors, nurses, social workers and other health care staff are the supporting players. 

Be it Osteoarthritis, Gout, Rheumatoid arthritis,  lupus, Scleroderma, Myositis or any other connective tissue disease, the first step is diagnosing it correctly which more often than not, takes a convoluted route. It's not straight forward at all.

It's a very customized process. More appropriately said, it is an art. Not to mention, some of these diseases are so complicated and have the mind of their own on deciding how they want to present initially and how they want to evolve over time. It is not a surprise if the diagnosis changes over the course of time.

Once the diagnosis is made, the next important step is finding the right medication, which again is unique to the patient. The history of other medical ailments and the habits and personal choices are some of the factors that are taken into consideration while deciding a correct treatment.

Once the right treatment is decided, it must go through the test of time, efficacy and tolerance.
If all is well, compliance to the medications, routine monitoring and regular office visits are the key to ensure the safety and efficacy of the treatment.
It's a commitment!

Healing is a process and it begins here.
Let us hold your hands, while you walk this path!

Jaya Sonkar MD MPH

©All rights reserved. Jaya Sonkar 2020

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

A tribute to the selfless!

A tribute to all those who risk their lives for their countries and their people!

In the dark times, they are the ray of light
They are the knights of the knights
They are the mightiest mights
They are the hope of the helpless
They are altruistic and selfless
They are the bravest hearts 
From their loved ones they part
To face the toughest fights
To make other's worlds bright

-Jaya Sonkar MD MPH

©All rights reserved. Jaya Sonkar 2020

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Be like water!

Be like water!

Don't resist
Just go with the flow
There will be rapids
There will be falls
Finally there will be a calm deep River
And someday will merge with the deepest ocean

Don't burn
Just steam away when hot
Only to condense later when cool

Don't shiver
Just freeze 
And become bigger than what you are
Have a surface 
And much more depth beneath

Don't deprive 
Just quench the thirst
When overwhelmed
Become a tsunami 
Show your power and take the debris with you To hide it deep down and clean up the shore

Don't care
Just do your dance 
Like a fall, like a wave
Like ripples , like rain
The eyes of the observers
 Will take what they deserve

Don't accept the dirt
Just wash it off 
Or let it settle
And come clean
Like you always were

Don't simmer
Just sparkle in sun
Just shine in the moonlight
Shine like the brightest diamond
And feel precious like you are one!

Jaya Sonkar MD MPH

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

We are on our own!

We are on our own!

Q. Who do you think will survive the pandemic?
A. Two types of people will survive this pandemic.
1. Those who are lucky to have the right genetic makeup; and
2. Those who have smart minds who can learn from others' mistakes and act accordingly.

During my public health course at Harvard, I heard a phrase several times in the context of academic positions " Each tub on its own bottom". It appears that it applies to all lives now.

It is up to us whether we will remain safe or not.
Instead of blaming leadership or anyone else, it is the time to be a meta leader and a meta-follower. 
We are living in this world where leadership has taken an interesting turn. It has come to individual or group interests and not the national or global interest. There are conflicts of interests and goal misalignment between the two making it almost inevitable to have the general public health and interest get ignored.

It is up to us to not go to crowded places. If everyone does that, there will be no crowd.
It is up to us to wear a mask. If everyone does that there will be a decrease in the spread of the pandemic.
It is up to us to frequently sanitize or wash our hands. If everyone does that they will save themselves from getting infected to a great extent and prevent the spread.
It is up to us to tell ourselves to believe the facts and science and not just mere words of comforts pushing us to denial.

If we think of it, we are living in an era of maximal comfort. If any era was ever well equipped to handle a turmoil like this, it is this era. There is an advanced science, technology, and enormous resources to tackle tough situations.

It is up to us what we can make of it.

When we drive a car, it is said that one should not just watch for avoiding mistakes at one's end but should also keep a margin to prevent other people's mistakes. Then only one will be able to prevent accidents from happening. It is taking responsibility for the occurrences around us and the consequences related to them. Not everyone is smart. So smart people will have to take more responsibility.

A very wise friend always says, "There is a very fine line between bravery and stupidity." Smart people don't do stupidity, they are just brave.

For example, attending COVID parties is stupidity. Working on the front end in the COVID ward, or being a front line worker is bravery.

Depending on sheer luck is stupidity. Depending on science and data and taking appropriate measures is a demonstration of intelligence and smartness.

Denial doesn't change the fact. 
Let's face this crisis collectively and beat the virus to its grave.

Jaya Sonkar MD MPH

©All rights reserved. Jaya Sonkar 2020

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

What is the most stable thing?

What is the most stable thing?

The most stable thing in the world is instability.
Constant change is the most permanent. Death is very long lived. 

Isn't that what we seek for? Permanence, stability, life? It seems like nature has its way to give us what we want. However, one may still not be happy. Perhaps it is because the truth of these wants is different from what is perceived. 

The universal truth is, 'Nothing lasts forever.'

The words, first and last have a meaning only if the time span is defined. Since time span is not defined, who knows when was the first and when will be the last of anything.

What is defined is one life span. And that is all that we know or have memory of. Speaking of memory, that life span is alive as long as there is memory, be it one's own or someone else's.

One can only commit for a particular time on an infinite timeline. Promises hold till the memory and commitment is there. Love and bonds hold till the feelings and memories are there. Memories, as we know, sometimes don't even last a lifetime. It takes time to develop in the childhood and some people lose it with dementia.

So what is real? All of the above is real. The sooner we realize this, the sooner we can find a calm within us. Wrong expectation is the mother of sorrows. So knowing the reality and expecting the right things is the key to joy.

That doesn't mean that we stop expecting any kind of stability in life. There is always a scope for an unstable equilibrium which can change with a gust of air, a drip of water, a change in temperature or a twist in a thought.

Just be prepared for unexpected and expect the unexpected to happen anytime. And smile it off, when it does.

The most stable thing in the world is instability.
Constant change is the most permanent. Death is very long lived. Everything else has a short life. 

On a positive note, Corona will become history too. Hopefully without making mankind history! :)

Jaya Sonkar MD MPH

©All rights reserved. Jaya Sonkar 2020