Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Saturday, June 29, 2019
The Healthy Competition!
Speaking from experience, I myself have done much better when I competed with my own self than when competing with others. It is less stressful, more joyful, more accomplishing and less mean.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
A. My color is skin color.
Q. What is your race?
A. My race is human.
Imagine our sizes as compared to the vast universe. Our bodies are so small but our minds are limitless and can wander anywhere.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Meet People Where They Are!
It was the phrase, 'We meet people where they are.' It was said in the context of a research grant where it was advised to link the value of the research to the values that the donor had. But the context was not exclusive. This applies universally! The best way to engage with children is to be like one and meet them where they are.
A few months ago, I met a very sweet and homely woman in the park who brought her children to the park to play. We looked at each other and smiled. We greeted each other and introduced our kids to each other. Her warm demeanor made me feel very comfortable.
I am a quiet person and generally don't have much to talk about if it is not medicine or work-related. Fortunately for me, she was a great communicator and had an enormous treasure of things to tell. She spoke and I listened. I enjoyed listening to her speak about different foods, recipes, different clothes, tailoring techniques, and community parties. She was very kind to invite me to the various religious and community events which I would have loved to attend if my schedule permitted.
Initiating and facilitating conversations that are engaging can be challenging. Meeting people where they are and linking your ideas to their interests may be easier. I found myself being good at that. I enjoy food, appreciate fine clothing and of course am all ears when it comes to parenting techniques. I could relate to the things that she talked and we had a long engaging conversation and became good friends.
I had several other such experiences in the past. They all started coming to me one by one. Along with the pleasant memories, some unpleasant interactions struck my mind too.
Coming from an emotional background, care and affection is embedded in my DNA. And that is how I look at things. I was able to get along with people who were sensitive to other people's emotions but wasn't very comfortable with the ones who weren't. In life, we have to interact with all sorts of people. And every personality has a value. They all play a role in making the survival of humans possible.
To be able to come to terms with people, we need to understand their deep values and talk to them in terms of those values. Just like the wise researcher said, to submit a grant for a cause that is aimed at improving well being among people, it should also be tied to expected favorable and cost-effective outcomes for the people. This will not only promote understanding among each other but will also lead to a collaborative approach in making a positive difference.
In summary, whether it is to get anybody's buy-in for any cause or it is to make a pleasant conversation with someone, we need to find where they live and then we go there and we meet them where they are. And some of them may come to you and meet you where you are!
Jaya Sonkar M.D., M.P.H.
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
New Year& Resolution For All!
New Year's Resolution!
I will not be upset,
I will not be mad
I will not let anyone
Make me sad
There can't ever be enough
Of what one has had
I will expect things
Both good and bad
I will love myself
As I love others
I will be kind to myself
As I am to others
I will continue to work hard
To achieve my goals
I will still wear several hats
And play those roles
I will believe in goodness
I will believe in fortune
I will believe in struggle
And earn my silver spoon
I will help people in need
But not be taken for granted
I will not let any seed
To be wrongly planted
I live in my body
That is my precious place
I live in my mind
Not in outer space
I will keep them pure
I will keep them clean
I will keep them pretty
And lush green
I will keep my conscience clean
And have a pure face
I will not let anything
To dampen the grace
My morals will not be shaken
My kindness will not be taken
The goodness will prevail
As I will sail, As I will sail
Jaya Sonkar
©All rights reserved. Jaya Sonkar 2019