Wednesday, January 18, 2023

A Dream Life

A dream life!

If you think about it, this moment that we are living now, will become a dream very soon. A good or a bad dream depending on if the present moment is pleasant or painful.

Acceptance is the key to happiness.
It's impossible to change the present. We have a whole lot of scope to change our future but the present is happening and is inevitable.

If this present is unpleasant and we aren't able to accept it, it becomes painful.

If the present is pleasant and it passes and never returns and we want to relive, it becomes painful.

If we are able to accept the present, the way it is and work on shaping the future the way we want it to be, it becomes bearable and perhaps even pleasant.

Oftentimes, the mental pain is only until a 100% acceptance of the present is achieved.

The sooner one accepts and moves on, the happier one could be.

Accepting the present doesn't mean accepting the miseries or joys, it just means , accepting it as is because it is what it is.

The attitude that its going to be what one wants it to be, can fill the present with energy. 
And that energy can result in happiness.

The entire life keeps reforming.
The focus should be on making the next moment a better moment while relishing every ounce of this present moment.

This present moment will pass soon and will feel like a dream.

It's in the memories and may be in the pictures and videos but not in reality. The present moment will become a virtual world soon.

So, we are living a dream at all times.
We just need to keep working on feeling pleasant and calm with every dream and accept the way it is.

It doesn't matter what others think and say about one's present experience. It's about giving oneself own space without feeling guilty or great and just feel one's own presence and one's own experience and be oneself and be one with the universe with a 100% acceptance and awareness.
This present will pass in less than a second and will become virtual reality or a dream forever.

After all, it's a dream life! One can turn it whichever way one wants it to be. A pleasant one or a nightmare!

And if one has a choice, shouldn't it be a good one!

Live a dream life!

Dr. Jaya Sonkar MD MPH
©All rights reserved. Jaya Sonkar  2023

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