Friday, March 10, 2023

It's all about perspective

It's all about perspective!

Everything is relative.

Good or bad

Near or Far

Slow or fast

Future or past

It's all about perspective!

A plane is the fastest among most of the vehicles

When we fly, it doesn't feel fast. In fact, sometimes it feels slow. You see a light that's far off and it moves very slowly towards that.

Is it really moving slowly?

Well, objectively, if we go by the speed, it is going fast. But the speed with which it is approaching that light doesn't feel much. That's because the proportion of distance that it covers is probably not a large proportion.

Similarly, when we are engaged and really enjoy what we are doing or if we are busy, time goes so fast as if a day passed just with a wink of an eye.

But if we are sad, in pain or just unhappy, the time feels very long. 

Someone might feel that the town which is a 100 miles away, is far. The other person drives a 100 miles each way to and back from work. Some other person drives 500 miles a day and some even more. 

What's near to one could be far to the other.

We have an understanding of good and bad, right and wrong and a general notion of good is something that doesn't harm or brings joy.

However, there is an interesting twist to it.

What's good to one might be bad to the other.

Someone might say that giving candy to a child is good and it brings cheer. The other would say it can rot the teeth. 

Someone may say, it's good to reward. The others may say it's better to punish. Another might say rewards may make it too easy. Yet another could say punishment can demotivate people.

Everyone can choose to see the glass half full or half empty . The volume of the glass won't change. The perspective can make a remarkable difference and can result in very different outcomes.

If we really enjoy what we are doing and count the things that we want to do and spin it to always land on a positive perspective,  life is really short and very precious and full of tremendous joy.

Now, you may like this article or you may not.

In the end, it's all about perspective!

Jaya Sonkar MD MPH


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