Saturday, February 27, 2016

Is there a life after dealth?

As I put Riya to sleep tonight and watch her in her sleep, my eyes dont want to close. Just feel like watching her all night to keep me going through another 2 weeks of night shifts.
Night float can be challenging at times when you get paged back to back with mutiple sick patients that keep you running between all floors, but at the same time its a great learning experience.
Recently, I met this patient at night, who had an emergency surgery after which he was in coma for a couple of weeks. He came with another similar acute issue. (Disclaimer: I am changing the name of the patient and the diagnosis as well as other facts to safeguard his privacy).
A very interesting young patient in his late 40s, Mr Cooper, went through a lot lately. He told me about a lot of his life experiences. As I finished speaking with him and was ready to move out, he stopped me and said, "Can I tell you something if you promise not to call me a freak."
I promised him. Then he said, "I havent mentioned this experience to anyone because of its unusual nature." 
I assured him that I will be all ears and will be supportive.
Mr Cooper said, 'A few months back I was brought in the hospital for this emergency surgery. Then something strange happened, I could watch myself being operated. I was trying to wake myself up but couldnt. Then I saw the doctors cut me near my knee to take something out to repair something in my chest. I couldnt believe that despite all this, I didn't feel any pain. I was so disconnected with my own body. I could see everything from the top of the room that was happening to me as a mere spectator. Then I got really worried realizing that I might be dead. I started crying and shouted at myself to wake up. Then I got drifted away to a place where I saw a lot of heat and heard a lot of hue and cry and saw them calling at me. I ran away from there. Then I saw this very beautiful bright white light, very soothing to eyes. I went ahead and saw my mom. She ran and picked me up in her arms. Suddenly i felt i was small like a child and was playing in my mom's lap. Then I came back to see myself. I wanted to reenter my body. I wanted to live. I had so many things to finish , so many promises to keep. I could not let myself die.
Two weeks after my surgery, I woke up. When I woke up, I still remembered a lot and I still do. Out of curiosity, I checked my knee to see if they really cut me open at the knee or was it a dream. To my surprise I did see a healing wound. Later I found out that everything I saw actually happened.
Ever since my life has changed. I used to be so afraid of dying but not any more. I live my life in a much better day. I am more compassionate to people wnd am more goal oriented. I know what I want and how long it should take me to do everything I want to in this lifetime. Its a strange feeling of calm within...."
There was a brief silence in the room after he finished. I was lost in my thoughts while he was in his. Then we both smiled at each other.
I said, "Mr Cooper, thank you for sharing this experience. While the complexities of this paranormal experience you've had is beyond the capacity of my little mind, I feel obliged to tell you that I have heard similar experiences from my other patients too and they were all sane minds. I am very happy that this experience brought positive changes to your life. May you live long and achieve all goals of your life."
I walked out lost in my own thoughts. Lately, I lost one of my dear aunt. Its not easy to cope with the loss of our loved ones. I feel the pain that my parents are going through. Fear of losing loved ones often gets to me. At such times, the thought of life after death is really comforting. And who knows it might actually be true. The thought of having a chance to live with all our loved ones at a very soothing place indefinitely is so relieving. Then why not be comfortable and just believe it blindly.
Beep beep. Beep beep, goes my pager and there I return to earth from my heaven. Orders placed!
There goes the phone tring tring. And guess this time it's Dr Charming and Dr Handsome, "Hey jaya, is everything ok. Do you need any help with the admission?" 
"I am fine Dr Charming? I will be done placing orders for this one soon. Is there another admission pending?"
Beep Beep , goes my pager again.
Dr Charming," what admission? The next admission is mine." Dr Handsome, " let me know if you need help with pages. We just made hot coffee. We'll bring it to you."
As much as I enjoy taking care of my patients at nights with the 2 most wonderful seniors I have ever had, Dr Handsome and Dr Charming (as they called themselves and indeed true) when most of the people are cozy at home with their families, I cant explain how much i missed putting Riya to sleep.
Today I dont want to sleep. I want to fill my eyes with my baby's pictures which I can see everytime I blink during the nights.
Lots of love and blessings to my most precious treasure, my priciest possession, my darling baby Riya.
Jaya Sonkar MD

©All rights reserved. Jaya Sonkar 2016

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