Sunday, December 13, 2015

Little Riya and Rosgulla factory

Once upon a time, in the city of Rojapur, there lived a little girl named Riya. She owned a Rosgulla factory. Her Rosgullas were very famous for their big size, softness and sweetness. Everybody wanted Riya’s Rosgullas. Wherever she went, everybody would just say, “We love Rosgullas, Riya’s sweet rosy cheek Rosgullas”. Riya was very good at running the factory. She would always take care that the supply meets demand. She would take special care in gathering good quality raw material for rosgulla production. The raw material vendor, Mommy & Company was very happy as Riya paid lots of smileys to the company in return. It was a steal deal for Mommy & co.
One day a naughty monkey came from a nearby town and told Riya, “Dear, you work so much for the Rosgullas. You deserve some rest. I will take care of the factory for you.” Riya thought that the monkey was right. She had worked very hard to establish the factory and now it’s time for her to relax. So she decided to take some time off.
Riya thought that the monkey will be as good as her in running the factory. How little did she know that the monkey’s intentions were not good. He was sent by an old witch, from the nearby town of Thinfield, who wanted to sabotage Riya’s rosgulla factory. Ever since Riya’s Rosgullas came into vogue, her cake factory became less and less popular. The witch used to attract kids with her cakes and then tricked them into becoming her slaves.
The monkey sent Riya to Sleepville and stopped making rosgullas. The factory workers were being laid off due to lack of work and poor economy. Since Riya was off to Sleepville for her vacation, there weren’t enough smileys to pay the workers. This caused riots and unrest in the nearby town of Stomachville, where the workers resided.
CEO of Mommy & Co., who was friends with Riya, also became worried. The raw material was going waste and the company didn’t get enough smileys for living. One day the CEO decided to go to Stomachville and meet the factory workers.  She asked the workers if it was possible for any of them to go to Riya and tell her what was happening. The workers told her that the monkey was very shrewd. He sent Riya to Sleepville where only selected members, who had a Dream Van, could enter. However, there was a Cheek Postal service that could carry the message for them if they paid her a large box of Riya’s Rosgullas. The CEO reflected for a while and then made a plan. She told the workers that her company will supply the raw material to the workers in the Stomachville, who can then sneak the material in the factory to make rosgullas. They would then send these Rosgullas to Riya in Sleepville via Cheek postal service with a lovely note to return to Rojapur. The workers liked CEO’s idea and did as planned.
Soon they made a large box full of Rosgullas and sent them to Sleepville. When Riya read the note, she became very sad. She left Sleepville immediately and took the next Good Morning train to Rojapur via Thinfield. She punished the monkey and the old witch. Then she reached Rojapur and hugged the CEO. She also distributed lots of smileys to Mommy & Co. and the workers in Stomachville. Everyone in  the city was very happy to have Riya and her Rosgullas back and they all lived happily everafter.
Jaya Sonkar
©All rights reserved. Jaya Sonkar 2015

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