Monday, February 14, 2022

What is the reality of life?

Is the target shaped rainbow in the picture real? We can't touch it, we can't even feel it. It is not commonly heard of. It is transient and it will fade away. Who knows how many times it appears and disappears above the clouds. The evidence of it's existence exists only if it is captured in a way that one of our sense organs perceive it! This time it is our eyes. Could there be more complicated things that we don't have the sense organs to perceive or if we have them we haven't learned to use them yet?


What is the reality of life?

Bereavement hurts, separation hurts.
Especially, if you are not the one causing it and especially if it is brought upon you despite all efforts!

It's ok to mourn and heal. It's ok to take the time to get back to normal.
And it's very important to not feel vulnerable at such times and gather as much support as you can even if you feel that solitude might be the answer.

Although, it is easier said than done.

Just based off of the ageing process, a lot of things that didn't feel could ever happen, happen and then there you are, left with no other option but to accept the harsh reality of life.

What is the reality of life?

Is it just a random life that we got out of sheer luck and lived it. Are we nothing more than the products of a perfectly designed chemical process. Or is it a planned journey?

Do the words like reincarnation and avatar actually mean something. The forces of nature are strong but can they design something like life. And if there is a positive force that brings the life, does it's contrary exist? Do the dark arts exist that we need to stay protected from?

What is the ultimate goal of life? If it is just continuation of race, it doesn't make sense. And if it is then why is it? Why do all creatures generally have an instinct for continuity of race?
It has to mean more that the continuation of race. It has to mean continuation of race for a purpose. 

What is that purpose?
Some people say they know the answer. 
How would we know that what they know is the right answer?
The only way is to experience it yourself. 

How would you experience it?
Is meditation the answer?
Sometimes during meditation , you may experience things that are beyond explanation. Now, could that be a dream or something to do with the sleep cycle?

Speaking of sleep, it's interesting too. Sometimes the dreams are totally unrelated. Sometimes the dreams feel like they have a meaning. Some dreams feel like they want to enlighten you. Are those dreams just dreams?
Is sleep a form of meditation?
Is sleep a transient coma?

Medical knowledge explains certain things and so does physics. But a vast majority is untapped and undiscovered.
The earthians know about resonance, magnetism, electricity, light, sound, gravity, density, pressure, latent heat, medical sciences, etc. There are a lot more parameters that still stand to be tapped or discovered.

What is this feeling of "me" within us.
Are we separate from our physical forms? Is soul a real thing? If it is, then what is its purpose and why does such an energy exist? 

This is very intriguing.
People say that we will find the answers one day. Our final day. Will we? Again, we don't know. Some people may, who knows.

So what should we do?
When we don't know what to do, where to go, what to think, the best way is to be mindless, thoughtless, and still and just follow the course without resistance.

Just go where it takes you with a little navigation towards positivity.
When the negative thoughts try to deviate, just think positive and become positive.

If we don't know the above answers, there must be a reason. And even if there isn't one, it seems like that is how it is meant to be.
What other option do we have?
So, should we follow the arbitrary course and experience the learnings in the process, stay focused and positive and walk this tight rope through the end and prevent any falls on the way. Probably yes.

Who knows what reward awaits us at the end. But we do know that if you successfully walk the tight rope through the end, without falling, it would be thrilling and it would be an achievement.

When we assume this life, we should leverage it to feel accomplished.
What is accomplishment? It's not the money or material and perhaps not even love. Is it probably just calming this energy "what we call is me, my or mine" towards dissolution and non existence.
Eventually the sun will also burn into ashes. And unless the new sun emerges or the humanity transcends, that is probably how much time we have to discover it all.
Its an enigma. We can only walk this walk in pursuit of enlightenment.
Om Shanti Om!

Jaya Sonkar MD MPH
©All rights reserved. Jaya Sonkar  2022

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