Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Bon Voyage!

Bon Voyage!
A very sweet elderly lady departed.
She was a very sweet lady with very advanced disease. She had only her niece to take care of her who tried her best to help out.
At her 2nd and last visit, she could manage only a phone call and she could not get any labs or imaging and follow ups and consults. I tried to educate her only to realize that poor lady had so many limitations. She was dependent on others for her care.
Sometimes, life situations tie the hands.
May she rest in peace.

I remember her first visit. The gangrene that she had wasn't looking good but she didn't want aggressive care. She was planning to move to assisted living.

Having seen so many patients through their journey, what I have come to realize is that the best companion in the life is self. We meet several people in our journey but we board and depart alone.

On the other hand, no one is alone because everyone boards and everyone departs.

We should make the most use of the time while we are here.

We keep worrying about gathering and planning a lifetime without realizing that the life experiences are worth much more.

Everything else will stay back on this earth. Even the body and mind and skills stay back. The life departs without anything but experiences and learning.

Welcome to the world of Medicine! These experiences are very soulful and teach a lot.

We just need to keep grasping these learning nuggets, stay happy and healthy and live each moment because each moment that goes will never come back. 

We should always strive to make a significant and positive difference in people's lives.

And these people are humans.
All good work done makes us feel lighter and brighter.

The lighter we are, the easier to depart. After all, while likes to carry a lot of baggage lifetimes after lifetimes!

Dr. Jaya Sonkar MD MPH

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