Friday, February 24, 2023

The Gurukul Union

"The Gurukul Union"

"Those who don't learn from history are bound to repeat it."

Education and financial independence is the answer to most of the adverse social determinants of health.

In these times, there are still places where parents might not be able to afford schooling for their children. In such scenarios, it heavily depends on the quality of the public school system, how it would impact a country's future.

We are responsible for the kind of world our future generations will live in.

We can help by making efforts to give them a good life just how some of our great ancestors did to give us a good life.

We need to come together and join hands in educating and preparing our future generations to stand up for themselves.

It's a big goal. And we need big efforts.
Dream big, aim big and achieve big. Let's go Crimson!
That's what I learned at the Harvard University School of Public Health! And it works!

Please sign up for volunteering at the The Gurukul Union.

The pilot program consists of simple goals.

Please gather 1-5 underprivileged children and please make sure to have at least equal number of girls as boys if not more. 

Please donate 1-5 hours per week of your time to teach them the basics of English, Maths and Science and also how to access the computers if possible.

Please volunteer to create test papers and grade.

No child fails. They learn at their pace. The faster they learn, the faster they level up.

We aim to create a cooperative environment where kids don't compete with each other, instead they complement each other.

Please sign up if you would be able to and willing to donate 1 or more of your hour a week to educate 1 or more underprivileged children in your neighborhood.

Please sign up if you are interested in learning about health and aging. The only payback that is requested is that you teach the same to the underprivileged children.

Please sign up your name and email address below if you are willing to volunteer your time to teach underprivileged children.

Thank you,

Dr. Jaya Sonkar MD MPH 
©All rights reserved. Jaya Sonkar  2023

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