Monday, February 20, 2023



A beautiful princess is born
Star of everyone's eyes
She is delicate as a feather
Yet the ruler of mankind

She needs to be cared for
Because she nurtures life
She is the very essence
She is what makes it alive

Should she be proud 
Should she be scared
Should she be humble
Should she be brave

She is pretty if obedient
She is ugly if rebel
She is desirable if mute
She is hideous when voices

She is herself
Let her be
She cares for her own
Opinion of herself

She should stand
She should speak
She should salute
She should lead 

She is the answer
She is the path
The path is tough
The road is rough

She should have courage
She should have strength
She should be proud 
Of her womanhood.

Some years ago, some gentleman asked me , what do I think about condition of women.

The condition of woman could be good or bad. It depends on how strong she is mentally, physically, socially, financially and above all spiritually.

Are men and women equal?

Absolutely not.

Do they both have brains?

Absolutely yes.

Do they both have equal strength?

Absolutely not

Can they both move mountains?

Absolutely yes

Are they both important

Absolutely yes

Are they both needed for life

Absolutely yes

Do they both have parents

Absolutely yes

Do they both have families

Absolutely yes

Do they both have responsibilities

Absolutely yes

Should they both learn

Absolutely yes

Should they both earn

Absolutely yes

Should they both honor their elders

Absolutely yes

Should they both carry the torch for their ancestors

Absolutely yes

Could they both give birth

Hasn't been achieved until now

Do we need new lives

Absolutely yes

If not abundant, at least enough to continue mankind

Should the woman work

Absolutely yes

Should the woman be given rest when she is bringing a life to the world

Absolutely yes

Should she be penalized for doing so

Absolutely not

Should she be honored for taking the time to nurture a little being

Absolutely yes

Should she be respected for doing so

Absolutely yes

Should she be using this as an excuse to not work

Absolutely not

Should she take care of her parents

Absolutely yes

Should she take care of elderly in laws

Absolutely yes

Should she dump her parents

Absolutely not

Should she allow anyone to dishonor her origin

Absolutely not

Should she put anyone else's parents before hers

Absolutely not

Should she respect and care for all elderly whether parents or not

Absolutely yes

Should HE respect and care for all elderly whether parents or not

Absolutely yes

Should he take care of elderly in laws

Absolutely yes

Should he dump his parents

Absolutely not

Should HE feel superior because of muscle

Absolutely not

Should HE provide care with that muscle

Absolutely yes

Should she misuse that muscle

Absolutely not

Should she honor that care

Absolutely yes

Is dowry a good thing

Absolutely not

Are wedding gifts from everyone good

Absolutely yes 

As it helps two people to come together 

Create a family and provide a little one 

The beautiful home

Growth of children is not just parents responsibility

Its said that it takes a village to grow a child

It actually takes a whole world to raise a child

Should she depend on her brother to take care of those who brought her to life

Absolutely not

Should he depend on his sister to take care of those who brought him to life

Absolutely not

Should HE depend on his wife to take care of those who brought him to life

Absolutely not

Should she be able to work and live her dreams

Absolutely yes

Should she stand up for herself

Absolutely yes

Should this thought that a good daughter in law is someone who let's her parents be humiliated and dishonored and allows herself to be disrespected , stays quiet and gives into everything good or bad, compromises her respect, her wishes and her dreams to put her Spouse 's first, is a well cultured woman , correct?


Is she a human

Absolutely yes

Should she live on her own terms

Absolutely yes

Should she hold her head high

Absolutely yes

Should she be a rebel

Hope it's never needed

Should she be kind

Absolutely yes

Should she be learned

Absolutely yes

Should she be educated

Absolutely yes

Should she be nurtured

Absolutely yes

Should she nurture others

Absolutely yes

Are men and women equal

Absolutely not

Both are meant for different purposes 
When it comes to bringing a life

But are they equal otherwise

Let me think...

They both have emotions

Absolutely yes

They both have a mind

Absolutely yes

They both have bodies

Absolutely yes

Should they both be given an equal opportunity to live a full life

Absolutely yes

Women should stop taking pride on how well they were able to abandon their roots to grow into a new soil.

They need to make sure , they are proud of their roots and nurture them, and honor the soil they came from and grow into such a big tree and spread the prosperity to whichever soil they reach!

Are women precious

Absolutely yes

Are men precious

Absolutely yes

It took one Adam and one Eve to make a wonder possible. Look at it, the mountains are moved, the oceans are churned, the stars are reached, and everything that is today became possible.

So both are EQUALLY precious and both should have equal rights to prosper, flourish and LIVE the life to the fullest!

Dr. Jaya Sonkar MD MPH

©All rights reserved. Jaya Sonkar  2023

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