Friday, October 4, 2024

You are You Because They are They!

You are You because They are They!

Let's see this in detail.

We interact with the universe every second.
If the earth wasn't earth, we wouldn't be living as we are

If the sun wasn't shining, we wouldn't be thriving as we are.

If the water wasn't water, life wouldn't be flowing within us the way it does.

If the air wasn't air, we wouldn't be breathing as we do.

If the farmers weren't farmers, we probably wouldn't have enough and would have to farm for ourselves.

If the cleaners weren't there, we probably wouldn't get the hygienic beautiful surroundings and would have to work much harder to maintain that.

If the plumbers weren't there, we wouldn't get the water supply and drainage as we do.

If the electricians weren't there, we wouldn't get electricity the way we do and many of us would have been injured by electric shock

If the entertainers weren't there, we wouldn't have been amused the way we do.

If the engineers weren't there, we wouldn't get megastructures or infrastructure or modes of communication or transport developed

If the architects weren't there, we wouldn't have the safe buildings, bridges, roads etc

If the construction workers weren't there, we wouldn't be able to see this beautifully constructed society.

If the miners were not there, we wouldn't have seen the beautiful gemstones and precious metals.

If the astronauts were not there we wouldn't have known about the universe the way we do.

If the researchers were not there, we wouldn't have known so much about so many things.

If the teachers wouldn't teach, the students won't learn the way they do.

If the authors didn't write, the knowledge wouldn't be able to propagate the way it does.

If the nurses and health technicians were not there, we wouldn't get the medical care at the times of need.

If the doctors were not there, we wouldn't have the health and longevity the way we do.

If the evil wasn't there, we wouldn't have appreciated the goodness the way we do.

If the goodness wasn't there, we wouldn't have experienced the peace the way we do.

If the parents were not there, we wouldn't have been born

If the children were not there, life would come to a halt

If everyone was not doing what they do, we wouldn't be living in the world that we do.

Everyone is important.
Every work is important.
Every belief is important.
Every behavior is important.
Every action is important.
Every reaction is important.

Everything deserves respect.
Everyone deserves respect.
Everything has a meaning.
And everything's makes Us, 'Us'!

Dr. Jaya Sonkar MD MPH
©️ All rights reserved. Copyright Dr. Jaya Sonkar MD MPH 2024

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Ye Hai To Woh Bhi Hoga (Translation at the bottom)

Ye Hai To Woh Bhi Hoga

Jahan gulab hai, wahan Kuch to chubhega
Jahan Suraj hai, wahan Kuch to jalega

Jahan heera hai, wahan tez dhar bhi hogi
Jahan nadi hai, wahan baadh bhi hogi 

Jahan Raste Hain, wahan safar bhi hoga
Jahan bachav hai, wahan gadar bhi hoga

Jahan roshni hai, chakachaundh bhi hogi
Jahan pawan hai, wahan aandhi bhi hogi

Jahan chadhav hai, wahan utaar bhi hoga
Jahan Chandrama hai, wahan amawas bhi hoga

Jahan Kamal hai, wahan keechad bhi hoga
Jahan achha hai, wahan bura bhi hoga

Jahan pyar hai, wahan takraar bhi hogi
Jahan Jeet hai, wahan haar bhi hogi

Yadi ek pehlu hai, to doosra bhi hoga
Yadi ek nehla hai, to dehla bhi hoga

Jahan rechak hai, wahan poorak bhi hoga
Jahan mrityu hai, wahan Jeevan bhi hoga

Poem written in Hindi
Below is the translation to English

If this is there, that will be there too!

Where there is a rose, there will also be thorns
Where there's sunlight, there will also be burns

Where there's a shining diamond, there will also be a sharp edge
Where there's flowing river, there will also be a flood

Where there are ways, there will also be ups and downs
Where there is protection, there will also be a rebellion

Where there will be light, there will also be blindness
Where there is wind, there will also be a storm

Where there are ups, there will also be downs
Where there are full moon nights ,there will also be darkness

Where there is a lotus, there will be mud
Where there is good, there will be bad

Where there's love, there will also be hate
Where there is a win, there will also be a loss

If there is one side of the coin, there can also be the other
If there is a nine, there can also be a ten

When we exhale, we also inhale
Where there is a death, there is also a life.

Dr Jaya Sonkar MD MPH 
©️All rights reserved. Dr. Jaya Sonkar MD MPH 2024

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Who Benefits?

Who Benefits?

If one is good to the other, who benefits the most?

1. One who is good
2. One who gets the goodness
3. Both benefit equally
4. None
5. Unsure

If one does good deeds but expect nothing in return, who benefits the most?

1. One who does the good deed but doesn't expect.
2. One who receives the good deed
3. Both benefit equally
4. None
5. Unsure

If one focuses on the good actions but doesn't worry about the results, who benefits the most?

1. One who does the action
2. One who watches the action being done
3. One who is receiving the action
4. None
5. Unsure

Would you say that our ancestors, who promoted the following principles, wanted us to be altruistic and renounce the world?

'Be a good samaritan'
'Neki Kar Dariya Mein Daal' ( Do good and don't expect anything in return)
'Karm Kar Phal Ki Chinta Na Kar' ( Focus on actions and not the results)

Who Benefits from all of the above?

It's the one who does these.


When we do good to others in our capacity without harming ourselves or our loved ones, it generates a feeling of happiness, peace and calm.

Whose body would benefit from feeling calm and happy.
The Doer's.

Whose stress level will be low?
The Doer's

Who's BP, Blood Sugar, heart health and mental health will be at its best?
The Doer's

If one focuses on the aim and doesn't get distracted or worried from the possible outcomes, who would have better chances of success?

The Doer's
No one else but the Doer's focus will not dwindle and chances of success will be at their maximum.

And if despite all efforts, the outcomes are different then it just needs to be tried harder.

Our ancestors were not thinking about anyone else's well being but the Doer's well being.

Let's say if one gets a bad rear end because of someone who wasn't paying attention to their driving and forgot to apply brakes at a red light and hits one from behind, and if one gets upset with that person and feel angry, who is at a bigger loss.

One loss has happened, the car has been damaged.
Hopefully, the health is fine. Let's assume the health is fine and no bodily injuries.

Now, drilling that person down would not help with anything. Should one ask for one's rightful remediation.

Absolutely yes.

However, the peaceful space in our minds should stay peaceful despite everything going around.

No one should have the power to enter our minds and bother it.

Let's say , now the car goes to collision center.
The collision center and the insurance team up to work on a cheap repair and collision center fraudulently bills the insurance for new parts but applies old sourced parts and gives the car to one in a not good condition.

How should one react?

We'll, certainly fight for the rightful repair and ask for genuine fix.
However, should one feel angry or fell ill will for them.

No, because it would not benefit one. The damage has already been done. The focus should always be on fixing the issue but again no one should be able to enter one's happy space in the mind and corrupt it because that will be a bigger loss.

Let's say one writes a book with passion and someone tries to blackmail one into paying for reviews and gives one a bad review for not accepting their offer.

Would one benefit from being angry?
Clearly, one should not give in to such requests.
However, bringing a feeling of kindness towards that someone who is interested in reading and may be going through some financial hardship or perhaps is trying to make a living somehow by using these sources, would benefit the author more than being upset.

While wrong deeds should not been encouraged, they should also not be allowed to enter the peaceful space in one's minds and affect one's happiness.

If one does a good deed, but keeps expecting something in return, one only creates a path of misery and sadness if the reciprocation doesn't happen.

One should do only that much that one could do and let go of the expectation of reciprocation.

That way, if the reciprocation doesn't happen, it doesn't affect at all and if it does then one should let the other person experience the goodness within them by being a recipient and feel the gratitude towards the one who reciprocated.

A good deed with an expectation is not a good deed anymore, it becomes business. And business with no returns is a loss which is unpleasant.
Hence a good deed should always happen without an expectation of reciprocation.

Forgiveness, peace and calm, and focus on one's actions without worrying, benefits those the most who follow these.

These are the very selfish things because these aim at self well being the most.

There is no point wasting even a second of the precious life, thinking about something that is unpleasant.

Instead, being pleasant and spreading peace and harmony with a smile benefits one and all, especially the one who does these.

When our ancestors wrote these idioms and taught these principles, they wanted us to be absolutely selfish and not let anything affect the happy space in our mind so we collect the best karma on the way.

Are we ready to be selfish in a good way?

Dr Jaya Sonkar MD MPH

©️ All rights reserved Jaya Sonkar MD MPH 2024

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Let's fly to the moon!

Let's fly to the moon!

Hold my hand
I will take you to the moon

We will fly
We'll have our sky
And I will see you very soon

Join me
In this ride
It is full of high tides 

I will embrace you
And encase you
And bring you safely to the sides

It will be 
All fine one day
It will see a shining sun

It will see
The lush greens
Where we'll go for our run

We will run 
Up and down
The beautiful meadows 

We will play
We will laugh
We'll have all fun and no woes

Trust me
We will soon
Find our own sweet nest

We will thrive, not just survive
We will have a great zest

Believe me,
Life is full of roller coasters
It's fun if you learn to ride 

Its worth 
To learn and ace it
And be your own guide 

You can hold one
And guide to the moon

There will be
Mirth and laughter 
Everywhere very soon

Hold my hand
I will take you to the moon

We will fly
And have our sky
And I will see you very soon!

Dr. Jaya Sonkar MD MPH
©All rights reserved. Jaya Sonkar 2024

Let's drive!

Let's drive to our chosen destiny!

We all know that we can behave as a social animal as we have a capacity to follow Yama and Niyamas.

We are able to follow the norms of the society and practice self discipline.

If this can be excelled and we can be in complete control, then we can responsibly drive our human body to achieve our desired destination.

Let's take a simple example.

Do you ever snooze?
Let's imagine a beautiful morning.

We want to snooze for 5 min, then another 3 min and then another 2 min until we finally wake up.

There was something in our thoughts at the end of the last snooze which brought our body into action and we woke up and started with our day.

Let's take another simple example

We have to prepare for an upcoming test or have to finish an assignment.

However, there is this very nice movie that we really want to watch or check the social media account or want to spend time in an outing or want to do anything of our choice.

We have in our thoughts that we have to spend time to prepare for the upcoming test or the due assignment.

We think about it once, we think about it the second time and eventually we do it.

What was in that final thought before we actually did it that the previous thoughts didn't have?

What made it turn into an action.

It was a conscious control that overpowered the reflexes, that overpowered the natural instincts of every cell, and allowed us to direct them in the direction that we wanted to.

Let's say, we have the most expensive car in the world which can bring a lot of comfort, speed and joy. But, if we don't know how to drive it, we will drive haphazardly and end up in an accident.

There has to be something within us that we came for, achieving which would give us that sense of fulfillment that would be the most gratifying experience leading to Nirvana.

We probably select where we want to come, where we want to be raised and what kind of skill set we want.

Let's say if a pilot wants to fly, the pilot will choose airplane as the vehicle and not the car.

If a car racer wants to race, the car racer will find the best car.

If a cab driver wants a car to bring the commuters to their destination, the cab driver will find the most spendthrift and safe option.

If a motorcyclist wants to feel the thrill of balance and speed, the motorcyclist will find a motorcycle

If the biker needs speed, exercise and the endorphins released from the physical work, the biker will choose a bicycle.

If a horse rider wants the thrill of controlling the wildest horse and taking it for a ride to its destination, the horse rider will choose a horse as it's carriage.

The crux of the matter is that whatever we have, is enough for us to fulfill what we want.

If we have a desire, we also have the caliber to fulfill it.

What is needed is the aim, effort, determination, self control and control over our mind and body to achieve it.

It's only then that we can drive safely and reach where we want and when we want.

We always want to do something. Let's make sure we follow what we really want and always find a way to get to what we want.

Are we ready to drive?

Dr. Jaya Sonkar MD MPH
©All rights reserved. Jaya Sonkar 2024


Acceptance of the present and determination to improve the future is the key to a happy and successful life.

What has already happened cannot be changed unless we build a time machine to go back in the past.

What is happening in the present is also unavoidable and it is happening already.

What will happen in the future is in our control.
While it is very common for the occurrences to follow a pattern and the next moment can be predicted, the possibilities of an unexpected occurrence in the next moment are enormous.

And the capacity to build the future are enormous.

It depends on our thoughts how we mould our actions into producing the desired result.

Let's take an example,

Let's say, 
The beautiful antique, one of a kind, rare, irreplaceable and expensive crystal glass that was in our hand got broken.
Can we bring the glass back now?

We can spend the time in feeling sad about it but that won't bring that glass back.

Can it?

The sooner we realize that it's broken and clean up the broken pieces, the sooner we will have a cleaner space and the lesser will be the chances of injury from those broken pieces.

That beauty of the glass will remain in our memory as a pleasant space and we can become happy as soon as we realize that it's gone and can't come back and we can't change that past.

What we can change is the future.
We can put precautions in place to protect the similar incidents from happening in the future.

However, lingering on the loss is just the play of our memory.
The more we know how to control and navigate it to our advantage, the sooner we will learn to be happy.

Nothing is permanent except change itself. We know things will change.

Everything has a limited life. Even the stars have a lifespan including our sun.

The above example was for a mundane object.
However, the concept applies to any living or non living thing. It even applies to the humans.

Any past experience, good or bad can hurt only if we let them.

The moment we accept the present and move on, we can start on the path of happiness.

After all, happiness is a state of mind and mind can be controlled. Isn't it?

Dr Jaya Sonkar MD MPH
©All rights reserved. Jaya Sonkar  2024

Monday, August 12, 2024

Commentary on Insights!

Life tried to test, not once not twice but many times.

Life saved from the worst,  not once, not twice but many times

It's not worth talking about the occurrence but it's worth talking about the response.

Life is precious 

Life gives, 

Life takes, 

Life breaks,

Life makes

Life will listen

If you command

Life will follow

If you rule

Be the ruler 

Of your own life!

Below is my response to the life lessons!

I will learn

I will keep on going

I will make the most out of it

I will die before I give up

I will rise from the ashes!!!

* * *

 I'm a phoenix

I will rise from the ashes
I'm an incense

I will burn and spread the fragrance
I am the fire

I will spread the warmth all over
I am the passion

I will make you pursue yours
I am the muse

I will spread the motivation
I'm the kindness

I will bring cheer to others
I'm a winner

I don't compete but win the race
I'm the hero

I will ace the eggshell walk
I'm a survivor

I will live life to the fullest
I will flourish

I have been carved by the nature
I'm a star

I will shine nice and bright
I'm the goodness

I will never change for anyone
I'm the courage

I will go on forever and ever
I'm a fighter

I will die before I give up
I'm a phoenix

I will rise from the ashes
I'm a phoenix

Presenting INSIGHTS! Coming soon on Kindle!

Hope you find it motivating!
©All rights reserved. Jaya Sonkar 2024

Sunday, July 14, 2024

What's the goal?

Commonly, we try to anchor to some goal at all phases.
When we are born, our goal is to survive.
When we become kids our goal is to study and get good grades and eventually get into a great academic institution.
When we are there, them we need a good job.
When we have money we want to settle down.
When we find a life partner of our dreams, have children, we want to raise our children and the grandchildren.

The continuity of species is deeply embedded in our DNAs. This is very important as well. Otherwise, the species will dwindle away.

However, once we have surplus of everything, then what is the next goal.

There should be something more to it that just surviving and continuing the species and gathering materialistic resources to ensure the comfort of the multiple generations.

What more is there?
If we don't have a goal and if we don't have any aim, achievement of which could stimulate our dopamine receptors, then what would be the longing for?

Is there a deeply buried vision in us that is craving to come out and live its sight?

Once we achieve everything and are satisfied, what do we then crave for?

A few days ago, I met a beautiful elderly patient, Mrs. Jones, in her late 80s.

She said, "I am very satisfied with my life
 I had a very nice partner, very caring children, everything has been really good and now I am ready to go."

She said, "I just want to stay comfortable for as long as I am here and then she asked with a smile. Doctor, can you give me a shot in my knee. It's hurting and it affects my mobility."

I smiled and examined her. She was stable to get a knee injection for her osteoarthritis.
It gave her some relief and she gave me a very nice smile and a hug.

That hug was a wonderful hug.
That hug transmitted her satisfaction into me and I was very happy to see her content.

I left the facility but Mrs. Jones didn't leave my mind yet.

Is the ultimate goal of Mrs. Jones life was raise children, lead a pleasant life and ultimately seek a comfortable death.

Is that what most of the times our goal is? It's a good goal to have and indeed, my patient was very happy with it.

What if we don't have a goal? What do we still live for? Or do we find ourselves done with the life?

What goal does our universe have?

It's just existing. 

So many celestial bodies, just revolving around something aimlessly, thoughtlessly, mindlessly and fearlessly. Fearlessly, because there is a risk of colliding with other celestial body which may result in a complete destruction.

What's their goal?
Is the goal just to exist.

What's the goal of the ocean that keeps making waves every second. It just exists and follows what it is subjected to.

When we achieve everything that we have, what else can we do to get that same pleasure.
Brands emerged out of this need of feeling happy by showing off others that we have achieved so much. And by giving people additional goal to work towards achieving that brand which will display their accomplishments thus far.

Getting stuck in this mindset feels like a trap. A trap in the vicious circle. One after the other, in hopes of achieving an ultimate goal.
However, reaching that ultimate goal only makes us realize that it wasn't ultimate.
As long as we live, we keep wanting more and more and more, be it material or be it selfless joy from wishing for our loved one's happiness and eventually when we are tired of this journey of goal, we make death our ultimate goal.

What's the guaranteed that death is an ultimate goal.

Could there be more to it?

Very intriguing indeed!

For now, perhaps just feeling accomplished without having a goal is the goal.

That doesn't mean that we stop doing what we are doing. It just means that we keep doing what we are doing without waiting for its completion.

Just keep going on and on without having an endpoint in mind. Perhaps, achieving without the goal is the goal. The goal to just exist happily and do what we truly care.

Perhaps that's why it's said "Karma Kar, phal ki chinta mat Kar."

Just giving our best in anything and everything that we do and enjoy the process and company at each step seems to be the step towards understanding this enigma...

What's the goal?
What's the purpose?

Dr. Jaya Sonkar MD MPH 
©All rights reserved . Copyright 2024

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Could consciousness seep into robots?

While reading about this possibility of traces of water and life on other celestial bodies, imagination kicks in and asks , how do we know that other life forms survived on water. Who knows, they could have been made out of metal surviving on liquid natural gas.

Wondering that the places which are not conducive to the earthly life forms, are they really not capable of supporting any form of life.

The second level of thought penetrates the mind.

If the heart stops beating, pacemakers help or medications which are chemicals help. If a limb gets amputated, prosthetics can help, if a lung or a kidney failure, transplant can help, if blood gets depleted, transfusion helps.... We can be made out of plastic and metal and wires and still feel alive.

Could the robots ever gain consciousness. Could life enter in them.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

We Are United!

We are united!

We breathe the same air
We drink the same water
We all are carved out of earth
Within us is the same fire

We all are born
We all will die
We all are the part
Of the same blue sky

We all have feelings
We all have emotions
We all have the flaws
We all have the wisdom 

We all have to learn
We all are in a school
We follow nature's laws
We follow nature's rules

We are all creations 
Of some unknown creator
We clearly are here for something
We are in this together

It's said God is everywhere 
It's probably true
God is within all of us
We are all part of God

The God who is everything 
The God who is everywhere 
The God who is a creator
God lives in all creations!

Dr. Jaya Sonkar MD MPH
©All rights reserved . Copyright 2024

Life ... with or without the weight!

Life ... with or without the weight!

Weight change can change the way we look at life!

Can this teach us the concept of the life within us.
Let's take a look!

Have you or anyone you know ever experienced weight loss.

What is the weight made up of?

Food, water, air?

What is food made up of?

Earth, water, air, sunlight, fire that generate minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins and fats etc. which in turn result in formation of different parts of the body.

Now, let's say person X wants to reduce the weight. After losing 1 lb of weight, person X is still person X. After losing 10 lbs of weight, person X is still person X. After losing 20 lbs, person X is still person X. After losing 100 lbs person X is still person X.

After losing all the weight, is person X still person X minus the body?

Losing and gaining weight is just loss or accumulation of the substances for the earth and space. However, is there something inside us that accumulates the weight on it and sheds it off.

Or it is like a computer?

A computer can see with its camera, think and reflect and produce results on the screen, can hear with a mic and speak with its speakers.

A computer is made out of elements from the earth and when the parts are disassembled, it's not the computer anymore. However, a computer doesn't have a life within in.

Weight loss or weight gain throws light on an enigma of life in its own unique way.

What is this life within us made of?

Or is it just there?

Does it have a tendency or nature just like every non living thing?

Whatever it is, it has the same potential as any other life within any other body.

And this life is what connects us all!

Are we all one?

Dr. Jaya Sonkar MD MPH 
©All rights reserved . Copyright 2024

Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Mind Vibes

The Mind Vibes

Has it ever happened that you suddenly look at someone and realize that that person was looking at you? Or if you have been looking at any person, suddenly that person turns to you.

Just the other day, I took my daughter and her friend to a show. We were all engrossed in watching the show. Then suddenly I turned back and looked and the two eyes that were looking at me.

That was strange. It didn't bother me that the two eyes were watching me. What bothered was that those two eyes had the power to make me turn back and look at those.

What was that? And this happens often. Most of us may have experienced it sometime or the other.

Just like light and sound waves, there is probably something like mind waves that travel. There has to be something that connects our minds. Especially, the people we are close to probably share a special connection. 

We all know the principles of resonance. How is it possible for a far-off window to vibrate due to the music far away? 

How is it possible for a star that is billions of light-years away visible to us? 

We know magnetism exists. There is something that attracts and something that repels. There is something in everything and every living being that attracts or repels. 

If nature made us, nature must have utilized all its phenomenons to make a wonderful life happen.

We can prove light energy because we can see it, we can prove sound energy because we can hear it, we can prove resonance because it is perceivable in the form of vibrations when the frequencies match, we can prove magnetism because we can feel the force on an object when it is pushed or pulled. 

It is hard to explain, prove, or quantify the mind's vibes but its there and we all know that to a certain extent. It is some phenomenon that connects humans with the rest of the universe and we are all part of the same universe. 

That also suggests that no one is superior or inferior. There can be some silly physical and mental features that may fool us into believing one is greater than the other. And everyone strives hard to prove their worth. But the truth is, that everyone is the product of the same universe and made of the same elements. I wouldn't say 5 because we don't know if there are 6th, 7th, 8th, or more elements or not. 

Something in the vacuum of the space is full of some strange matter. A strange matter that connects one and all. 

For the same reasons, we often know the inner intent of the other person who we interact with. If we activate our channels to the perceptions, we can receive an enormous amount of information and awareness that is available to us at all times. 

Words are oftentimes ornamental. More than half the communication happens without the words. Perhaps, our minds are inherently trained to interpret the meaning of subtle gestures, expressions, and even silence. 

We can activate our signaling system to open the channels that relay our interior to the universe and open ourselves to an amazing world that has been waiting for us to explore it. 

The spiritual energy does not have any sadness, happiness, pain, or pleasure. It's just there, existing quietly. 

We should try to stay with similar energies and let the energies flow in the direction they want to flow to maintain peace and harmony within. 

 Let's follow the flow of nature, open our mind's eyes, and feel the Mind's vibes. 

 Jaya Sonkar MD MPH 
 ©All rights reserved . Copyright 2024

Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Beautiful Aging!

Mrs. Stewart was looking outside the window and enjoying the bright sunlight as it lit up the leaves, flowers, and the ground. She had a pleasant smile on her face. She was happy and content with her life. She was rich with lots of memories.

It was like going through a long journey with many ups and downs and finally, reaching the finish line. 

 Her knees were hurting. Given her comorbidities, she could only get one of her knees injected at a time. She was delighted and said that was wonderful. That means I will get to see you again. 

She shared how wonderful her family is and how fortunate she has been to get all the love. She was sitting alone in her room and was delighted to see me. Her smile lit up my day. 

Every wrinkle on her face reflected decades of gathered wisdom. She was looking beautiful. 

As I experienced my first signs of presbyopia, I thought of my parents when they had presbyopia. I was so proud of myself for reaching that fascinating age that my parents had when I was a little child. As a child, I wanted to grow as old as my parents so we could become the same age and have the same life span. I want to have my parents for as long as I live, just like anyone else. I now understand that reaching this age brings a lot of experiences and learning. It's like a trek. Once you start, you see different scenery and go through the rocky roads, smooth paths, meadows, water, marsh, and whatever comes your way. It feels accomplished to reach the midway. And when we are midway, it would only arouse excitement to do the rest of the journey to see what the final destination would look like. A hard trek often leads to a beautiful place. A trekker always looks forward to the next scene and the final beauty. A racer is always happy to see the finish line. And what makes the final destination or the finish line so attractive? It's the tough journey that makes the final experience more accomplished. 

As I was thinking about Mrs. Stewart who was nearing a century, while getting a long overdue facial, the technician said that I looked like a 28-year-old and then she asked me my age and profession. I smiled at her and said, Thank you, that's very kind of you. Shhh! I will tell you a big secret, my age and profession... but don't tell anyone else. I am a 42-year-old doctor. She gave me a surprised look and then said, you look beautiful and don't have any wrinkles. I said, I am not sure how beautiful I look but I surely feel more beautiful at 42 than what I felt at 28. Then I told her, you are my favorite technician and we laughed. 

She then asked me, Doc, why do you wear glasses? Why don't you get a Lasik? I said, "I love my glasses and enjoy feeling grown up like my parents when they were my age. I might think about it in the future or maybe wait for my cataract surgery in my 60s or 70s when I reach that age." 

No matter how fast I run, my parents will always be years ahead of me and I will always enjoy aging beautifully and look forward to my final destination. I love my journey and the beautiful learning points on the way and will look forward to my final destination. When I get close to a century, I would love to sit by my window like Mrs. Stewart and feel proud of my accomplishments while enjoying the soothing sunlight lighting up the leaves, flowers, and the ground as well as my face. 

Thanks to my beautiful parents! 

 Dr. Jaya Sonkar MD MPH
©All rights reserved . Copyright 2024

The Hawaiian Harmony!

The Hawaiian Harmony!

What would you call it, when you see the lush green low-lying mountain with a beautiful shallow valley ornamented with palm trees and surrounded by ocean, with perfect weather? Isn't it perfect heavenly harmony?

What efforts would nature have made to make it happen? What efforts would the mountain and ocean have taken to make this happen?

What can make it possible when the high mountains want to meet with the ocean?

The mountains are big and tall. The ocean is even bigger and more majestic. However, no matter how much an ocean would want, it cannot meet the mountain peak unless it is a phasic tsunami.

However, if the mountains submerge in the water and the ocean rises, they can meet and make it the most beautiful experience in the world such as in Hawaii where the mountaintop meets the water. It's the only place where the mountain, ocean, palm trees, and meadows with the cattle can be in the same frame.

To meet the ocean, the mountain must be willing to sink into the depths of the ocean and the ocean must be willing to expand and rise as the mountain sinks in.

And when it happens, the beauty is enormous. The beauty, which is outside and inside, gives rise to peace and love within.

When two powerful forces unite harmoniously, it can energize the entire world.

Dr. Jaya Sonkar MD MPH 
©All rights reserved . Copyright 2024

Friday, March 15, 2024

Baarish Ki Boondein

Baarish Ki Boondein

Ye baarish ki boondein laayin rimjhim yaad puraani
Safar purane yaad aye, mano sunaye koi kahani

Kuch meethe kuch khatte palon ko darshak banke Dekha
Yaadon aur sapno ki udaan, na Jane koi rekha

Kabhi bachpan ke khel yaad aye aur yaad ayi kilkari
Kabhi dukhon ke baadal aye aur palkein huin bhari

Yaad aaya pani mein bheegna, chintarahit ho ke khelna
Yaad Aayi sondhi mitti ki sugandh aur boondon ko girte dekhna

Aur yaad aye samose, pakode or masaale vali chai
Aur kaagaz ki naav Jise Pani mein hum tairayein

Ye sunehre pal aur mausam, hum Jane Kahan bhool aaye the
Hridaya ke ek kone mein kahin beete lamhon ke saaye the

Yaadon ka ek karavan Chala, Kahan rukega man bhala
Sabhi ehsaas salone the, sikha gaye the nayi kala

Varsha ke pani mein mano, sabhi kisse dhul gaye
Achhe bure, koi bhi hon, sabhi aapas mein mil Gaye
Baarish ki boondon ki madhur dhwani mein Sabhi chehre khil Gaye

Ye baarish ki boondein laayin rimjhim yaad puraani
Safar purane yaad aye, mano sunaye koi kahani

Dr. Jaya Sonkar MD MPH
©All rights reserved . Copyright 2024

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Man Hi Sarvasva

Man hi Sarvasva 

Man hi darpan
Man hi aangan
Man hi preetam
Man hi saajan

Man he Chetan
Man avchetan
Man hi shram
Man hi vetan

Man hi Adi
Man hi ant
Man hi seema
Man hi Anant

Man hi guru
Man hi shishya
Man hi amrit
Man hi vish

Man hi bhav
Man hi abhav
Man hi gati
Man hi thahraav

Man hi saal
Man hi pal
Man hi chal 
Man hi achal

Man hi satya
Man hi bhranti
Man hi Shanti
Man hi Ashanti

Man hi agni
Man hi jal
Man hi prithvi
Man hi pawan

Man hi Vivek
Man hi vairagya
Man hi samadhi
Man hi samadhan

Man hi maan
Man hi samman
Man hi Sarvasva 
Antar man ko jaan

Dr. Jaya Sonkar MD MPH
©All rights reserved . Copyright 2024