Saturday, September 7, 2024

Let's drive!

Let's drive to our chosen destiny!

We all know that we can behave as a social animal as we have a capacity to follow Yama and Niyamas.

We are able to follow the norms of the society and practice self discipline.

If this can be excelled and we can be in complete control, then we can responsibly drive our human body to achieve our desired destination.

Let's take a simple example.

Do you ever snooze?
Let's imagine a beautiful morning.

We want to snooze for 5 min, then another 3 min and then another 2 min until we finally wake up.

There was something in our thoughts at the end of the last snooze which brought our body into action and we woke up and started with our day.

Let's take another simple example

We have to prepare for an upcoming test or have to finish an assignment.

However, there is this very nice movie that we really want to watch or check the social media account or want to spend time in an outing or want to do anything of our choice.

We have in our thoughts that we have to spend time to prepare for the upcoming test or the due assignment.

We think about it once, we think about it the second time and eventually we do it.

What was in that final thought before we actually did it that the previous thoughts didn't have?

What made it turn into an action.

It was a conscious control that overpowered the reflexes, that overpowered the natural instincts of every cell, and allowed us to direct them in the direction that we wanted to.

Let's say, we have the most expensive car in the world which can bring a lot of comfort, speed and joy. But, if we don't know how to drive it, we will drive haphazardly and end up in an accident.

There has to be something within us that we came for, achieving which would give us that sense of fulfillment that would be the most gratifying experience leading to Nirvana.

We probably select where we want to come, where we want to be raised and what kind of skill set we want.

Let's say if a pilot wants to fly, the pilot will choose airplane as the vehicle and not the car.

If a car racer wants to race, the car racer will find the best car.

If a cab driver wants a car to bring the commuters to their destination, the cab driver will find the most spendthrift and safe option.

If a motorcyclist wants to feel the thrill of balance and speed, the motorcyclist will find a motorcycle

If the biker needs speed, exercise and the endorphins released from the physical work, the biker will choose a bicycle.

If a horse rider wants the thrill of controlling the wildest horse and taking it for a ride to its destination, the horse rider will choose a horse as it's carriage.

The crux of the matter is that whatever we have, is enough for us to fulfill what we want.

If we have a desire, we also have the caliber to fulfill it.

What is needed is the aim, effort, determination, self control and control over our mind and body to achieve it.

It's only then that we can drive safely and reach where we want and when we want.

We always want to do something. Let's make sure we follow what we really want and always find a way to get to what we want.

Are we ready to drive?

Dr. Jaya Sonkar MD MPH
©All rights reserved. Jaya Sonkar 2024

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