Saturday, September 28, 2024

Who Benefits?

Who Benefits?

If one is good to the other, who benefits the most?

1. One who is good
2. One who gets the goodness
3. Both benefit equally
4. None
5. Unsure

If one does good deeds but expect nothing in return, who benefits the most?

1. One who does the good deed but doesn't expect.
2. One who receives the good deed
3. Both benefit equally
4. None
5. Unsure

If one focuses on the good actions but doesn't worry about the results, who benefits the most?

1. One who does the action
2. One who watches the action being done
3. One who is receiving the action
4. None
5. Unsure

Would you say that our ancestors, who promoted the following principles, wanted us to be altruistic and renounce the world?

'Be a good samaritan'
'Neki Kar Dariya Mein Daal' ( Do good and don't expect anything in return)
'Karm Kar Phal Ki Chinta Na Kar' ( Focus on actions and not the results)

Who Benefits from all of the above?

It's the one who does these.


When we do good to others in our capacity without harming ourselves or our loved ones, it generates a feeling of happiness, peace and calm.

Whose body would benefit from feeling calm and happy.
The Doer's.

Whose stress level will be low?
The Doer's

Who's BP, Blood Sugar, heart health and mental health will be at its best?
The Doer's

If one focuses on the aim and doesn't get distracted or worried from the possible outcomes, who would have better chances of success?

The Doer's
No one else but the Doer's focus will not dwindle and chances of success will be at their maximum.

And if despite all efforts, the outcomes are different then it just needs to be tried harder.

Our ancestors were not thinking about anyone else's well being but the Doer's well being.

Let's say if one gets a bad rear end because of someone who wasn't paying attention to their driving and forgot to apply brakes at a red light and hits one from behind, and if one gets upset with that person and feel angry, who is at a bigger loss.

One loss has happened, the car has been damaged.
Hopefully, the health is fine. Let's assume the health is fine and no bodily injuries.

Now, drilling that person down would not help with anything. Should one ask for one's rightful remediation.

Absolutely yes.

However, the peaceful space in our minds should stay peaceful despite everything going around.

No one should have the power to enter our minds and bother it.

Let's say , now the car goes to collision center.
The collision center and the insurance team up to work on a cheap repair and collision center fraudulently bills the insurance for new parts but applies old sourced parts and gives the car to one in a not good condition.

How should one react?

We'll, certainly fight for the rightful repair and ask for genuine fix.
However, should one feel angry or fell ill will for them.

No, because it would not benefit one. The damage has already been done. The focus should always be on fixing the issue but again no one should be able to enter one's happy space in the mind and corrupt it because that will be a bigger loss.

Let's say one writes a book with passion and someone tries to blackmail one into paying for reviews and gives one a bad review for not accepting their offer.

Would one benefit from being angry?
Clearly, one should not give in to such requests.
However, bringing a feeling of kindness towards that someone who is interested in reading and may be going through some financial hardship or perhaps is trying to make a living somehow by using these sources, would benefit the author more than being upset.

While wrong deeds should not been encouraged, they should also not be allowed to enter the peaceful space in one's minds and affect one's happiness.

If one does a good deed, but keeps expecting something in return, one only creates a path of misery and sadness if the reciprocation doesn't happen.

One should do only that much that one could do and let go of the expectation of reciprocation.

That way, if the reciprocation doesn't happen, it doesn't affect at all and if it does then one should let the other person experience the goodness within them by being a recipient and feel the gratitude towards the one who reciprocated.

A good deed with an expectation is not a good deed anymore, it becomes business. And business with no returns is a loss which is unpleasant.
Hence a good deed should always happen without an expectation of reciprocation.

Forgiveness, peace and calm, and focus on one's actions without worrying, benefits those the most who follow these.

These are the very selfish things because these aim at self well being the most.

There is no point wasting even a second of the precious life, thinking about something that is unpleasant.

Instead, being pleasant and spreading peace and harmony with a smile benefits one and all, especially the one who does these.

When our ancestors wrote these idioms and taught these principles, they wanted us to be absolutely selfish and not let anything affect the happy space in our mind so we collect the best karma on the way.

Are we ready to be selfish in a good way?

Dr Jaya Sonkar MD MPH

©️ All rights reserved Jaya Sonkar MD MPH 2024

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