Saturday, September 7, 2024


Acceptance of the present and determination to improve the future is the key to a happy and successful life.

What has already happened cannot be changed unless we build a time machine to go back in the past.

What is happening in the present is also unavoidable and it is happening already.

What will happen in the future is in our control.
While it is very common for the occurrences to follow a pattern and the next moment can be predicted, the possibilities of an unexpected occurrence in the next moment are enormous.

And the capacity to build the future are enormous.

It depends on our thoughts how we mould our actions into producing the desired result.

Let's take an example,

Let's say, 
The beautiful antique, one of a kind, rare, irreplaceable and expensive crystal glass that was in our hand got broken.
Can we bring the glass back now?

We can spend the time in feeling sad about it but that won't bring that glass back.

Can it?

The sooner we realize that it's broken and clean up the broken pieces, the sooner we will have a cleaner space and the lesser will be the chances of injury from those broken pieces.

That beauty of the glass will remain in our memory as a pleasant space and we can become happy as soon as we realize that it's gone and can't come back and we can't change that past.

What we can change is the future.
We can put precautions in place to protect the similar incidents from happening in the future.

However, lingering on the loss is just the play of our memory.
The more we know how to control and navigate it to our advantage, the sooner we will learn to be happy.

Nothing is permanent except change itself. We know things will change.

Everything has a limited life. Even the stars have a lifespan including our sun.

The above example was for a mundane object.
However, the concept applies to any living or non living thing. It even applies to the humans.

Any past experience, good or bad can hurt only if we let them.

The moment we accept the present and move on, we can start on the path of happiness.

After all, happiness is a state of mind and mind can be controlled. Isn't it?

Dr Jaya Sonkar MD MPH
©All rights reserved. Jaya Sonkar  2024

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