Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Good or bad? Right or Wrong?

Good or bad? Right or wrong?

Is one good? Is one right?

If one thinks, one is good, is one really good?
If one thinks, one is right, is one really right?

If one thinks, the other person is fortunate to have one in life, is that other person really lucky?

Goodness and Righteousness are relative to a certain extent.

Let's says, if we are kind to someone but that someone is misusing that kindness, then that kind act, even though good, is not really good, because it is causing the other person to not stay good.

Where, if one is a little strict, but if that causes the other person to stay calm and behave nicer, then that strictness is better than kindness.

Intentions matter more than the act. A bad outcome with good intentions can be considered right but a good outcome with bad intentions is not right. Of course, a good outcome ( from the recipient's perspective) with good intentions is both right and good.

So, what is right and what is good?

Right is something, that doesn't cause physical or mental harm to anyone and good is what brings physical, mental and spiritual joy. And right is when intentions are good.

Are others fortunate or is one fortunate?

Whether or not other people are fortunate to have someone in their lives, is for the other people to decide. One can only do the right deed, and this right is relative.

Whether other people are fortunate or not, is for other people to decide. If they feel miserable or if they do not feel fortunate  then that fortune is questionable.

However, what is true is that one is fortunate to find oneself. To have a physical body for certain years where one can make efforts to lighten the soul, is a very fortunate thing to have. And one and all should cherish that. And if one is able to attain self realization and self awareness as well as awareness of the surroundings, one is very fortunate. And all of us have the potential to be this fortunate. All that is needed is exploration within, with dedication.

The gist is that one should do things that in one's belief, will cause no harm to others and if possible, will bring joy to others and which are done with one's best intentions in the hopes of outcomes that are considered right and good not just by one but by all or almost all.

Jaya Sonkar MD MPH
©All rights reserved. Jaya Sonkar  2022

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