Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Look at the big picture!

Look at the big picture!

Beyond the dense forests
There are streaks of clouds
Beyond the clouds
There is immense clarity

Look at the big picture

When the way seems lost
When the dreams seem far
When the love is estranged
When the things look small

Look at the big picture

In the big scheme of things
Small things don't matter
Though these small things do
Make the big scheme happen

Look at the big picture

Tha map is clear

There was a river
Which seemed to be endless
It has a start and an end
And has multiple bends

There was a forest
Which was a maze
Which once felt locked in
Now has numerous ways

Look at the big picture

They say 
Tough times don't last
Tough people do

They say 
What doesn't kill you
Makes you stronger

When you stand tall 
When you are tough 
When you pull through
You shine brighter

Look at the big picture

Change is constant
And the constant is a changer
What is thought to remain
Is eventually a remainder

Look at the big picture

Even the sky isn't the limit
It is as infinite as the spirit,
Could it be better or worse
It can be both better or worse

When it is the worst
Thankfully it isn't worse
When it is the best
Thankfully it can be better

Look at the big picture

In the end 
The diamond is found
In the coal mines
The lotus grows 
In the muddy puddles

There is always a next step
There is always a next moment
The past fed into the present
The present feeds into the future

What seems to have ended
Could be a new beginning
What seems to be dark
Could be the dusk before dawn

There is always a next chapter

So always,
Look at the big picture!

Jaya Sonkar MD MPH
©All rights reserved. Jaya Sonkar  2022

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